Why choose for a regular online casino?

The advantages as laid out in the previous are all pro live casino. But does this also mean that playing at a live casino is by definition more interesting than playing at a normal online casino? Not always. That’s because a lot of it depends on the player. Do you like to be more low-key and in the comfort of your home, or do you prefer the pressure that comes with playing with a croupier live? Apparently this pressure that comes with playing ‘live’ also means people are more likely to take risks and therefore lose money. So you always have to think for yourself and judge what the preferred way to play is.

A second advantage of playing at a classic online casino in comparison to a live casino is in what kind of games are offered. In a live casino you can exclusively find an assortment of table games. The assortment of games is much smaller than in a classic online casino and there aren’t as nearly as many different slot machines to choose from. Because slot machines are still one of the main reasons why people love going and playing at a casino these days, there is definitely something to say to play at classic online casino where plenty of these are offered.

The birth of live casinos

So how did this happen? One of the main reasons live casinos are as big as they are today is because a group of experienced gamblers requested it to be so. When the first online casinos popped up, many people were instantly enthusiast. From that moment onwards, anyone could play at a casino, from the easy comfort of your home. Because let’s be honest, not everyone likes the spotlight and pressure that comes with playing in a real casino. But sooner than later, a very clear disadvantage of playing online came into sight: playing without a real dealer is a completely different experience and doesn’t nearly work as motivating as playing in a real casino does. It’s all about mindset and experience! This had to be different, some people thought. And that’s how the idea of online live casinos came about.

Casino owners then collaborated with software developers to create a solution for this problem. They were determined to find a solution for this need in the market: the possibility to play live table games such as Roulette or like Poker, like in a real casino as well. But to create something that works, something that both experienced and beginning gamblers like, takes time and precise effort. The result was a live casino where players could play from the comfort of their own home, yet directly in touch with the croupier through a live webcam connection. That sure makes the online casino experience a lot more personable.

Advantages of playing in a live casino

The previous already explained it quite a bit, but one of the obvious advantages of an online casino is the fact that you have the best of both worlds. In one way, you can gamble from the comfort and ease of your living room, while on the other hand you get to enjoy the thrill of the real casino experience through the live webcam. Because real communication is taking place when playing in a live casino, this is fun and experimental way to learn for both beginning and more experienced players. If Live Play is what you bare looking for, you might want to check out the review of Unibet Casino.

A second but not unimportant advantage of playing in a live casino is in the fact that it offers players is a sense of security. Many players who gamble at an online casino have doubts whether the game is being directed by management. By playing at a live casino you feel more in charge, because you actually get to see what’s going on by way of the live cam. Not only do you get to see exactly what happens, you also know the result of each playing round.


Both classic online casinos and live casinos come with certain advantages and disadvantages. The final choice between the two really is up to the player and its preferences. The information you can find on this page will help you learn more and help decide what the best fit is for YOU.

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